Tuesday 11 May 2010

looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Our preliminary task is laughable compared to our final project. We have learnt so much about the technology, time and effort, team work, filming and editing.
Our prelim had basic filming and basic editing which made it quite dull to watch. Since producing that task, we have progressed dramatically in our ability to produce a decent looking film opening.
In our prelim we basically only used one camera angle, and barely any edits, it looked stupidly bare compared to our film now.
04:00 has about 4 different video transitions, many different camera angles, sound effects, video effects, audio and track volume changing, time codes, more characters and locations, we linked and unlinked sound to video clips, we imported a soundtrack, we have camera movement.
Just by looking at this list, you can see how much we have learnt since doing the first task, if we were to do that task now, we would definitely be much more capable of making a decent looking preliminary task.
Of course, there are things about our final film opening that we would change, like the loop in the soundtrack, and the second scene at the beginning instead of the end.
Overall, my group and myself are really pleased with what we have accomplished and the progression from the preliminary task is exceptional.

Here is a link to Issy's blog, which has the full finished video and sound.

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