Tuesday 11 May 2010

how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Our media product represents a range of social groups, for example, young blonde women. Young blondes are almost always portrayed as ‘dumb’, making wrong decisions and would care more about their appearance than surviving making them rather vulnerable. In some ways, we haven’t shown blonde women in this light, but we have shown them as more vulnerable than anything.

We represented young brunette women in a more conventional light; brassy, almost the protagonist of the film, the one who always survives. Brunettes are usually shown as the more exciting character in films, they nearly always have good instinct, and will follow them.

Young women in thriller films are shown as the most vulnerable ones, which is how we have also shown them, as they are captured and tortured.

As we have an ‘invisible’ character, it is still clear that ‘he’ is a stalker. He would come under the male category which automatically gives him power and dominance. Male characters are generally the stronger sex during films, and will be the more dominant character.

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