Tuesday 11 May 2010

in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

From previously analysing two thriller film openings, we had a rough idea of the forms and conventions that we were to follow or challenge.

Firstly, we followed the conventions by using a blonde and a brunette. In thriller films, it is likely that the blonde character will die and the brunette will survive, which is what we done in our film opening. It is clear that the blonde is in trouble because of how we have filmed and edited it, and the brunette character is shown right at the end of our opening to introduce her.
We also followed the conventions by using an ‘invisible’ stalker, even though he is not shown, but you know that someone is being watched by him. A film called ‘Firewall’ uses this same convention.
Flashbacks are quite common in thriller films, and we used them to begin our film. To portray the flashbacks, we converted them into black and white and made the outsides blurred to give the flashbacks more impact.
Using the security camera effect made the film look more thriller like, as it is a convention and is used in Firewall also.

Challenging the conventions, we used a song with lyrics, though our teachers weren’t sure whether it worked, we got feedback from other students who thought that the lyrics matched the feel of the film really well.

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