Friday 7 May 2010



What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

As our film is not a large budget film, it is more likely that an independent company such as ‘Metrodome’ would distribute our film. ‘Metrodome’ specialise in distributing low budget films, which ours would come under. As our film is low budget and cannot really be distributed by a large company, we could also use Youtube, Myspace and Facebook to build up a fan base around it. This could lead to bigger and better opportunities.

A film that is similar to ours is ‘Firewall’ which was distributed by Warner Bros.
Warner Bros is a company that distributes high budget films, which is why it wouldn’t distribute ours unless it had a massive following behind it.

I think that if we were to have access to better and more efficient equipment we would have opportunities to be distributed by bigger companies like Working Title. We can relate to other films which Metrodome distributed for like “Shifty” because we are also starting up and are new to the film business.

post about our target audience.

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