Friday 30 April 2010

so.. i don't get it. whys she doing this? whys she doing that?

this is the response, and questions, we've been getting quite a lot recently.
so the people that have watched it, don't really get it.

well done, thats the point!

it's the beginning of a film, we can't let you know EVERYTHING in the first two minutes otherwise there is no point in watching the film.
the flashbacks that start the film are there so people start to ask questions, for example, 'why is she there?'.

we put in our first brief that we wanted our audience to establish enigma codes. these questions that they're starting to ask are what we wanted to acheive because it means they're interested.

though what we have acheived is completely different to how myself and the group imagined it to be, we're all very proud of the work that we've put in.

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