Tuesday 30 March 2010


as i haven't updated my blog in a while, i thought now would be the time.

unfortunately, it seemed that the footage we had filmed from the time before wouldn't edit into what we had already filmed, i wasn't in on the lesson that we found out, but abbie and issy told me when i got in later in the day. so we decided that we would film again in the next lesson we had and due to the fact the lighting was different in almost every shot we decided to just film the next part just all in one part and then just cut it up in the editing software.

also, since then we have filmed the bits we needed to refilm and i think it went quite well. we haven't been able to look at it yet though which is slightly annoying. we've also done the title to our film but we've used '04:00' instead of 4am, as 4am looks really odd in the fonts that are available to use!

in the next lesson we have, hopefully we'll be able to try and edit some more of the film together and we seem to be getting behind which isn't good!

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