Thursday 25 February 2010


storyboards of our opening.

since doing our storyboarding, a lot of the film that we had originally planned, didn't actually happen.
there are bits, as you can see, where we have followed the storyboard, and others where we haven't at all.


Friday 5 February 2010

ideas for our film.

our first idea would be to start the film using narration, the main character speaking. the camera would zoom into the characters face, and the eyes would open abruptly. the camera would follow the girl as she sat upright, and she would scream, the edit then cutting into a range of flashbacks of how she got to where she is. after each flashback, it'd show her again, showing her emotion and confusion. this will hopefully create some enigma codes for the audience. the narration carries on throughout the 2 minutes of filming.

we would have a secondary idea, but as we planned these ages ago, we have set ourselves to do this one. it is just a rough outline on what we want to do, so there will probably be variations on the ideas, as they are just a frame.

Thursday 4 February 2010

what my intentions are...

through my analysis i understand the conventions of the opening to a thriller movie to be the building of suspense and tension. it should leave you with many enigma codes in your head, just itching to be answered! many people we asked said that they would expect something strange that establishes the main character to start the film. they also said that they would rather the film start with something significant instead of it being dragged out, which is challenging the conventions of a thriller film. the two films i analysed show that the convention of a thriller film is to drag out the opening so that nothing happens.

through my target audience research i have found that our target audience are between the ages of 15 - 24, but the range we asked and replied went from 10 - 28 year olds.

therefore i plan to meet the conventions of a thriller by using the beginning to create tension and build suspense. we will not give much away about the film's storyline in the beginning but give enough to make the audience start asking questions.

however, i plan to challenge the conventions by not dragging out the beginning of the film, and using narration over the visual.